Public Relations defined
Author: firmvoicBehind the term ‘public relations’ lies a range of communication tools that allow you to go out to meet your target audiences directly or through third parties.
Public relations go beyond the relations with media companies. They also involve a variety of professions and actions that respond to different communication objectives: to name but a few examples, they cover events, exhibitions and demonstrations, public actions aimed at the target such as news and opinion-formers (food stylists, caterers, health professionals …) that can make and break trends, crisis communications and general interest. communications. There may be specific short-term actions or real campaign programs that fall within the medium or long term.
The public relations officer seeks to promote the image of its business from outside contacts. He studies his audience, his opinions and behavior. He analyzes the business and his company’s products and assesses their impact and visibility. Advertising campaigns, visits, exhibitions, seminars, development of a visual identity such as a logo, the means at his disposal to promote the company or institution are many and varied.
Public relations has become an important, even vital function with public and private enterprises. Local authorities have the most promising job offers with a majority of positions in big cities like New York City or Los Angeles. Over 25% of job offers are available to fresh graduates who have multi-skills, such as a good command of English, History or Economics. After several years of experience, a public relations officer can move to a position of Communications Manager or specialize in one specific area like financial reporting.
General education, ease of speech, listening skills, diplomacy and knowledge of at least one foreign language are required for this type of job. A spirit of synthesis, high reactivity and excellent writing and editorial skills are also required … not to mention communication skills and mastery of the new technologies like press release, blogging, social marketing and networking.